Kubernetes Overview(CKA Preparation)


Table of contents

  1. Kubernetes Architecture:
    1. kubernetes components
    2. ETCD
    3. Process Flow of a POD creation:
  2. Kubernetes Deployment
  3. Kubernetes Services
  4. Kubernetes Scheduler
    1. Labels and selectors:
    2. Annotations:
    3. Taints and Toleration: (It’s more specific to node)
    4. Node Selector: (To host Pod on particular node)
    5. Node Affinity: ( to host pod on conditional based node)
    6. Additional Info: Assigning Pods to Nodes
    7. Resource limit & Request:
  5. Configure Application:
    1. Environment Variables for a Container:
    2. ConfigMap:
    3. Secrets
    4. Multi container
  6. Cluster upgrade
    1. Cluster upgrade details
    2. ETCD backup and restore
  7. API Groups in Kubernetes
    1. Core group
    2. Named group
  8. RBAC:
    1. Roles and clusterRole:
    2. Examples:
  9. Storage
    1. Direct Provisioning
    2. Static provisioning
    3. Dynamic provisioning
    4. StorageClass
    5. Volume Expansion
  10. Network policy
    1. Example:
  11. Ingress Controller
  12. JsonPath
  13. Troubleshooting
    1. Applications failures
    2. Control-plane failures
    3. Worker-nodes failures:
    4. Network issues
1)cluster Architecture Installation and configuration: 25%
  - installation
  - RBAC
  - etcd backup
  - static pod 
2)Workloads & scheduling: 15%
  - Pod,deployment,RS,how to scale them.
  - secret,configmap.
  - multiple containers.
  - request/resource limit.
  - sidecar containers
3)services and networking: 20%
  - types of services
  - ingress
  - network policies
  - coreDNS
4)Storage: 10%
  - storageclass
  - Persistenet volume.
  - Persistent volume claim.
  - Storageclass and dynamic. 
5)Troubleshooting: 30%
  - what if a node is not ready ?
  - what if a pod is frequently restarting ?
  - what if all CPU resource is used up and you need to find out which pod consumes the most and why ?
  - How to monitor certain resources?
  - troubleshoot the failed components.
K8S Architecture

Kubernetes Architecture:

kubernetes components

Master Components:
ETCD: which stores information about cluster.
Kube-scheduler: responsible for scheduling application or containers on nodes.
Controllers: Node controllers,Replication controllers etc
kube-API: responsible for manages operations.
worker Components:
Kubelet: That listen instruction from kube-api servers and manages container.
kube-proxy: Enable communication between services with clusters.

Ports and Protocols:

K8s Master ports and protocols
k8s worker node port and protocols
  • Kubernetes is open source system for automating deployment,scaling and management of containerized applications.
  • New kubernetes version are released in 3 month cycles.
Continue reading “Kubernetes Overview(CKA Preparation)”

Setup simple Kubernetes cluster on your laptop


VM Hardware Requirements

8 GB of RAM (Preferably 16 GB) 50 GB Disk space

  1. Check if your system support virtualization and enabled the virtualization
    Linux Find Out If CPU Support Intel VT
$ lscpu | grep -i virtualization
Virtualization:      VT-x
Continue reading “Setup simple Kubernetes cluster on your laptop”